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Behind the Scenes With Sculptor Gary Lee Price

Behind the Scenes With Sculptor Gary Lee Price

We all have run across larger than life sculptures in our travels. We’ve touched them, admired them, and even taken selfies with them. It is fascinating to think that somewhere, somehow, someone thought up the idea for it, grabbed a lump of clay, and turned it into the very thing we were looking at. Who is the person with the talent to create this work of art? What inspires them and what did they hope their audience would take away from the experience? Where do they sculpt; at their house, outside in nature, at a studio or workshop? When did they have the idea; in the middle of the night, while observing their surroundings, from a memory or dream? Inquiring minds want to know.

Welcome to our brand-spanking-new blog! If you’re curious to have these questions answered, you are in the right place. We invite you to visit us often here at where you can also sign up for our quarterly newsletter. To give you a taste of what’s to come, check out this short video of a behind the scenes sneak peek of Gary sharing some insights on the creation process.