Shell Play 6


Seashells have enchanted mankind for centuries. Their variety of shape, color, structure, texture and modes of adaptation seems endless. Enjoy the refreshing and mesmerizing effects of water as these fun-loving children explore different ways of playing with nature’s gifts. Children and water are life-giving forces for our species and our planet. It is altogether fitting and appropriate that the two come together and provide you with a unique and uplifting fountain arrangement that will beautify and enhance your favorite garden areas.

A leisurely trip to Mexico resulted in my creation of this fountain piece. We had purchased some giant clam shells from the beach vendors and on our way home we stopped and stayed with some friends in Phoenix who had a pool. Our son’s water drenching activities inspired my first fountain piece. The magic to any fountain is the sound of the water.

-Gary Lee Price


Shell Play 6  53″ (Bronze)
Dimensions 53″H x 22″W x 22″D
Weight 90 lbs
Price $12,800.00
Shipping $600.00
Year 1995